September 25, 2024
NML 9th Anniversary

The celebrations for No Man's Land's 9th anniversary are about to start! Join our Anniversary related activities to determine the special 9th Anniversary Call that's live from Friday's refresh on October 11 until Monday's refresh on October 14, and to unlock bonus rewards in our next Survival Pass' free tier reward path on October 7!

Mark your calendars

8/27: Start selling Ultimate Discount Bundle for $0.99 with Atlantic Tromblon and Profile Border (Webshop)
9/9: Vote for the 9th Anniversary Radio Call on October 11
9/11: Collect Challenge Stars - Hershel on Season 11B (Discord only)
9/16: Sign up and have Community Manager Jeroen join your guild for a week (Discord only)
9/22: The Walking Dead quiz (Discord only)
9/23: Community Manager Jeroen visits guild
9/23: Get bingo, win prizes
9/26: Last day selling Ultimate Discount Bundle for $0.99 with Atlantic Tromblon and Profile Border (Webshop)
10/1: 9th Anniversary results
10/7: Next Survival Pass with increased Free Tier depending on events above
10/9: Simon is Star Hero for the first time
10/11: 9th Anniversary Radio Call

9/9 - Vote for the big Radio Call


The weekend of October 11 is reserved for celebrating our 9th Anniversary, and one of the celebratory activities is that we're deciding that weekend's Radio Calls together! You can find a table that specifies the various Radio Calls below. Call costs, rerolls, and Hero Tokens gained from the call will be announced on October 1.


The Radio Call with 'Most voted heroes excluding heroes from last year's anniversary call' includes the following heroes: Yumiko/Mercer/Sasha/Connie/Ezekiel/Princess/Tyreese/Shane/Fighter Rosita/Guardian Carol.

The link to the voting form, together with the rules for a valid submission, can be found here. Please be aware that you only get to vote for 5 heroes, and the voting is open from September 9 at 08:00 UTC until September 29 at 08:00 UTC.

>> Go to the form!

9/11 - Collect Challenge Stars


This Community Event is hosted on our Discord server, in the #nml9-challenge channel. Feel free to join!

With our first Community Event, we would like you to share your star count for the Challenge that takes place from September 11 until September 16! Tell your guildmates to post a screenshot of their star count for Challenge this week and help us unlock more goodies for the free reward tier of our next Survival Pass! Rewards are listed below.


The type of screenshot we are looking for looks like the following screenshot from last year:


The Challenge we're playing is with Hershel as a Star Hero, on the Season 11B Mapset.

>> Go to our Discord server and check out the #nml9-challenge channel!

9/16 - Sign up for a Guild visit!


This Community Event is hosted on our Discord server, in the #nml9-cmvisit channel. Feel free to join!

Do you want TWD No Man's Land's Community Manager to visit your Guild for a week? Then sign up right now through the Discord Channel #nml9-cmvisit.

Out of all serious sign ups, CM Jeroen will announce a winning guild at random this Friday, September 20, and will visit them starting the Monday after (September 23) until Friday. He will help along with that week's Challenge stars (no promises for the full max), gives a daily Golden Guild Gift, and most important: he will give the guild 25 exclusive Profile Borders to give away to its members and some friends!

The guild also gets to decide for which Hero we will add 35 Hero Tokens to the Free Tier of the next Survival Pass, and Jeroen will make sure to add three 4-hour Healing Tokens to that same Survival Pass' Free Tier. Good deal, right?

>> Go to our Discord server and check out the #nml9-cmvisit channel to sign up!

9/22 - The Walking Dead Quiz


This Community Event is hosted on our Discord server, in the #nml9-quiz channel. Feel free to join!

How good is your knowledge of The Walking Dead?! On September 22, 19:00 UTC, we are playing a multiple-choice The Walking Dead quiz on Discord! Want to help along the free tier of the next Survival Pass while winning some good stuff for yourself? Then join in!

Questions can be about everything The Walking Dead related. We’re sure you’ll find some challenges in at least a few questions!

How long will the quiz take?
The quiz will be played in 3 rounds of 20 questions each, and in total, we should be finished within an hour.

What can you win?
Besides winning prizes by being the best in the quiz, you all also work together to score as many points as possible for Free Tier Survival Pass rewards. So make sure to invite your buddies so that the below goals are being reached and play against each other for individual prizes!


What if I haven't seen the spin-off shows?
Questions about shows that haven't been released for at least a year will not contain major spoilers and are kept vague. That means that Dead City Season 1 and Daryl Dixon Season 1 are fair game, while questions about shows launched after that are kept to a minimum

When does it start in my time zone?
We can't list ALL time zones, but here are a few extra time zones:

UTC: 19:00
CEST (Europe): 21:00
EDT (North America): 3 PM
PDT (North America): Noon

>> Go to our Discord server and make sure to be ready on September 22 at the right time in #nml9-quiz!

9/23 - Bingo Week

While not required for individual prizes, our Discord server is used to vote on polls for the Free Tier Survival Pass rewards in the #nml9-bingo channel. Feel free to join!


It's time to play bingo this week, but in a way where you help along to get everyone prizes! Because the more bingo's we have, the more stuff we will add to the Free Tier of the Survival Pass and the more rewards we will send out randomly to members of our community who participate.

Get ready to score up to 12 bingo's using our bingo card below, each bingo helping towards the goal of extending the Free Tier of the next Survival Pass. If you don't know how to play bingo; you must complete 5 prompts in a row. Rows can be horizontal (5 opportunities), vertical (5 opportunities), or diagonal (2 opportunities).

Any rules?

  1. Everyone can join, but live results and polls for rewards are exclusively available, through Discord. You can join our Discord at https://discord.gg/vvXTUuzQWx and search for the #nml9-bingo channel
  2. You can only use one bingo card and you have to deliver proof! So make sure to screenshot your achievements and upload them to our form
  3. You also have to update your bingo card! Screenshot it so you can edit it by crossing out completed prompts, or print it if you want to and make a photo of it once you have bingo
  4. Once you have a bingo, fill out our form!

Where are the bingo card and the form?

Right below!


Download the High Resolution version of the Bingo Card

Got a Bingo? Go to the form!


Currently, we're at 0 bingo's (last updated: August 29)

Goals and Rewards:


Our bingo event is live from September 24, 13:30 UTC, until October 1, 07:00 UTC.


In-game 9th-Anniversary Events

Until September 30, 5 second buildings is turned on! In the upcoming weeks we also have week-long events:

Sep 30 - Oct 7: 5 second equipment/heroes
Oct 7 - Oct 14: 1 minute Gas replenish
Oct 14 - Oct 21: Free Badge Unequip
Oct 21 - Oct 28: Jackpot

Free 9th-Anniversary Bundles

Expect some free bundles to claim as well!

Sep 27 - Oct 4: Double XP for 24 hours
Oct 4 to Oct 11: Get 39 Hero Tokens for the top voted heroes at https://bit.ly/nml9vote
Oct 11 to Oct 18: Get 45 Support Tokens: Walker Mike, Commonwealth Armor, and Hwacha
Oct 18 to Oct 25: Get 20 Reroll Tokens and a Legendary Badge Fragment
Oct 25 to Nov 1: Get 1 of each Tool

Results for NML's 9th Anniversary


Added to the next Survival Pass' Free Tier:

Challenge Event: Flare, Carol's Cookies, and Ezekiel tokens were added. Because we were close to collecting 3 million stars, we added a Legendary Badge Fragment, 5 Reroll Tokens, and 5 Reinforcement Tokens as well!

Quiz Event: Flare, Walker Mike, and Tyreese tokens were added. We also added 5 more Reroll Tokens.

Guild Visit Event: We added three 4h Healing Tokens, and will add new Hero Tokens soon.


9th Anniversary Radio Calls:

To be updated later

Stay informed on the latest news to increase your chances of survival. Follow us on social media to get information on new content and join the discussion with fellow players on our official Discord server.